
Gone, but not completely forgotten

One problem with the Internet is folks like myself, who like to write, tend to start projects and then watch them fall to the wayside. Writing is hard work. But writing regularly is the hardest.

I already have two other blogs I maintain and have had difficulty remaining prolific with either of them over the years, but this blog... here on blogger... has suffered from the most neglect. I think in part it is because I never outlined or stumbled upon a theme... an underlying current... under which this blog would be run.

I think having a theme is important. I think it helps focus the writer (that's me) and adds a construct by which we can contemplate new and hopefully exciting entries over time. Without a theme or focus it's simply too easy to wander and wind up all over the place.

Ultimately I don't think that's good for the writer, but worse for the reader. After all, the reader needs to be engaged and unless you are writing about something of interest to them they aren't going to come back. And without a theme why would they bother anyway? Unless you're one of those very brilliant writers who can write humorously about anything...

So I need to make some decisions here. I either need to focus this blog on something in particular, close it, or use it to parrot one of my other blogs to add presence here on blogger as well as WordPress.

Such fun, eh?