
Speaking of not getting it right...

Enjoyed listening to the talking heads on Faux News make light of the quick depletion of funds set-aside by the Federal government for the Cash For Clunkers programme.

It seems that besides poo-poo'ing the whole programme as just another Obama the Socialist handout, it's now fun to mock the programme for its own success as folks lined up, as it were, to take advantage of the programme.

Comments like, and I'm paraphrasing of course, "If the government can't run a small programme like this how can we trust them to run a national healthcare system?" or my more favoured one "They (the Feds) completely blew the estimates of how many folks would take advantage of the programme. We sure can't trust THIS administration to get anything right."

I mention the second one because it reminded me of all the things folks like Donald Rumsfeld said when they were pitching what would become the Iraq war to the American people and Congress. You remember...things like it would take 6-weeks to 6-months...reconstruction would be paid for by Iraq through oil revenue...we would be greeted as liberators...you know: GETTING EVERY FUCKING THING WRONG!

So, would I rather have in the White House an administration who got the estimates wrong about the number of folks who would take advantage of a cash-for-clunkers programme or an administration who got everything wrong, costing us billions upon billions of dollars and the lives of over 3,000 U.S. soldiers and tens or perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians?

I'll take the Socialist any day of the week.

1 comment:

  1. Me too. (via John Mueller's blog/Flickr)
    Hope those "kittens and nuclear weapons" are working for you.
