
and then it went dark

i was up way too early this morning.  had to drop-off the daughter at the airport around 0630 for her flight to Florida.  this mean i only had about five-hours of sleep in addition to the six (give or take a bit) from the night before.  not enough shut eye to keep the body and brain functioning at optimum levels.

so as i sat there all tired and such on the couch i elected to return to bed for a nap.  no sooner had my head hit the pillow i was out and dreaming; a sure sign of tiredness.  the next thing i know my eyes popped open and my brain slowly noted that the time on the clock across from my bed was almost noon.  i'm certain it said something far more specific, but my brain was only able to process this information into "it's almost noon.  you should probably get up."

as my eyes slowly adjusted to the strong light entering the the windows of my bedroom's southern exposure i was treated to the almost musical sound "eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrtttt" and suddenly my world went black.  inky black.  a world of shadow and darkness.  

phoebe had arrived.

phoebe is one of our nine cats.  she's a lovely little black-furred cat with a few strands of white fur found here and there.  she has a tendency to show up just as soon as my eyes open each morning.  i don't know how she does it......eyes open....pause....boing!  there she is.  and the sound of eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrtttt is phoebe as she leaps up from the floor to the bed.  i guess it's not unlike the grunt one makes during a back swing in tennis....or while taking a dump in the toilet.

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